Thursday, December 4, 2008

Trying to sit

I try to sit every morning but I lack discipline.
I prefer early mornings, after a good shower. At night, I am more prone to fall asleep on the cushion (zafu). Not very productive.
I sit to observe my breath, to see and let go of thoughts, to deal with the pain of sitting.
It is many things or maybe just one thing or maybe nothing.
I guess I'm hoping for complete realization, awakening as it's called, but I know I should hold no such goals, as goals tend to increase the barriers one faces while meditating.
I come into sudden realizations every so often, glimpses into momentary truths. It is as if I ride asea upon a small boat amid a raging storm, only to catch brief sights of land as I crest the waves before sinking back into despair.
But I keep trying, unable to ignore the ever present pull one feels after that first sitting.
It's said that the life not examined is not worth living. I am still trying to live those words.

1 comment:

I Run for Fun said...

Trying is the first step, you're definitely headed in the right direction. What you're striving for could take years to achieve, no?

The best I have been able to do is to observe each thought as it passes through...haven't even come close to letting them go.